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Post Frame Buildings


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Post Frame Buildings


Post frame buildings have been commonplace for hundreds of years due to their efficiency, reliability, and flexibility. It provides contractors with a simple way to construct buildings of all sizes that can stand the test of time in various environments. It’s used for homes, barns, sheds, garages, and nearly every other type of building that can be supported with a wood frame.

Today’s post frame buildings primarily use engineered wood or metal that aligns with current industry standards. Once completed, it may look like your standard building with wood studs or masonry, but the skeleton is very different. It has many advantages over alternative construction types when put together by experienced professionals.


Post frame construction offers an incredible degree of flexibility where the foundation is concerned. It is one of the few construction types that does not necessarily require a foundation at all. Contractors who do not have the time to wait for concrete to be poured and cured can benefit from the expedited process of post frame construction. The primary posts can simply be buried up to three feet in the ground to provide the building with the support and stability that it needs.

Foundation-free construction may save time, but there are some instances where the building could benefit from a solid foundation. Post frame buildings are not limited to any single type of foundation or a lack thereof. They can be built over traditional concrete slabs, using concrete columns, or on top of basements.


Overall, there are significantly fewer resources required to build a post frame building. And if you cut down on the materials required, then you cut down on the price. It’s estimated that the average post frame building costs 15 percent less than a stick frame construction of a similar shape and style.

Reduced material concerns and fewer construction hurdles also mean fewer man-hours spent on the job. Once again, this equates to more money saved. Every hour shaved off of the final construction time is money that you don’t have to spend.


Post frame buildings work particularly well in commercial and residential environments because of their superior insulation. Traditional steel frame buildings will experience a problem known as thermal bridging. This causes a reduction in the insulation properties by up to 60 percent. Wood is a far superior insulator and the post frame design allows for more high-quality insulation in the walls.

Superior insulation capabilities mean that the building will maintain its ideal temperature with less external work. You can spend less energy on heating or cooling, which translates to even more money saved.


If you want an affordable, flexible, and energy-efficient building, then post frame construction is the way to go. They take less time to construct, require fewer materials to build, and the materials used are great for regulating temperature. There’s a reason that this construction method has been around for centuries and will continue to thrive for centuries to come.

Commercial Steel Buildings


Every new business owner is faced with a serious decision. Do they invest in a pre-existing building for the business or do they hire professionals to build something new? Investing in older buildings might seem like the better route at first, but it has plenty of disadvantages. Existing buildings have established layouts that are not easy to alter. They may be designed with construction practices that are unreliable, inefficient, or wasteful.

Deciding to invest in a new building is a great choice but it’s only the first step. They also need to decide on what sort of materials and construction techniques to use. There are a lot of different options available today and they all have their pros and cons. But when it comes to building a safe, reliable, and efficient building, then commercial steel buildings are the way to go.

If you’re planning a new building in the future, then you need to consider the serious advantages that commercial steel construction has to offer. Here are three of the major benefits that steel has to offer your business.

1. High Quality and Low Maintenance

This is the perfect combination that every business owner wants for their new building. The material and construction need to be high quality and durable enough to last a lifetime. At the same time, they need to be low maintenance to manage long-term costs. Commercial steel buildings are one of the few options that provide the best of both worlds.

Steel buildings can work with a variety of external finishes, including steel panels and concrete. Most of these materials are extremely easy to clean and maintain. Building owners aren’t required to paint the exterior regularly, spray for pests, or replace cracked sections. Steel buildings are also less prone to harmful elements like heat, corrosion, and mold.

2. Reduced Insurance Rates

Controlling insurance rates is one of the best ways to manage the long-term cost of owning a building. Certain building types are more prone to fire and other forms of serious damage, which causes their respective insurance rates to skyrocket. Steel buildings have a very low risk of fire, corrosion, pest damage, mold, or lightning damage. That means less risk for the insurance company and lower overall insurance rates.

3. Fast Construction

Steel is one of the easiest materials to work with when constructing a new building. The lower weight of steel limits the need for heavy-duty foundations. Furthermore, many sections of the building come prefabricated and ready for immediate installation. A commercial steel building can be built in nearly half the time of a more traditional building using wood and concrete. Less time spent on construction equates to less money spent on labor.


There’s no debating the flexibility, strength, and efficiency of a commercial steel building. Savvy business owners who want to save money on insurance, heating, cooling, maintenance, and pest prevention will always want to choose steel for their construction. With the right team of contractors, they can have their building up within a short period of time for considerably less than many alternative construction options.

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